Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Elon Musk: First humans who journey to Mars must 'be prepared to die'

by Unknown  |  in The Verge - Science Posts at  1:33 PM

Elon Musk just wrapped up an intricate and thorough presentation that covered his and SpaceX's vision of humans building a city on the surface of Mars. But throughout that talk, he didn't actually address exactly who should go. During the Q&A session that followed, the question inevitably came up: what sort of person does Musk think will volunteer to get strapped to that big rocket and fired towards the Red Planet? "Who should these people be, carrying the light of humanity to mars for all of us?" an audience member asked. "I think the first journeys to Mars will be very dangerous," answered Musk. "The risk of fatality will be very high. There's just no way around it."

"Are you prepared to die? If that's okay, then you're a candidate...

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More details : http://ift.tt/2dAF5D5